kid painted hands

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Become a


The museum is only possible through the generous contributions from many sponsors throughout the Mini-Cassia area. If you would like to contribute to the museum, you can sponsor an exhibit, pay for a family membership, or teach a specific class the museum will offer.

Become a Sponsor

Legacy Sponsors

Special thanks to our legacy sponsors who have donated $10K+ to our cause:

Champion Sponsors

Our champion sponsors make donations of $5K up to $9.9K.

Partner Sponsors

Special thanks to our partner sponsors who have donated $2K up to $4.9K to our cause:

Impact Sponsors

Special thanks to our impact sponsors who have donated $1K up to $1.9K to our cause:

  • Becky North
  • Dr. Walter & Jolene Graham
  • Schiffman Family

Support Sponsors

Special thanks to our support sponsors who have donated $500 up to $1K to our cause:

  • Jim & Tammy Cooper

Founding 50

Our Founding 50 members campaign is intended to help us reach our initial fundraising goal of $150K. Founding 50 members consist of the first 50 individuals/families and 50 businesses who donate a one-time gift of at least $1K(for individuals/families) or $2K (for businesses). Thank you to the following sponsors who constitute our founding 50 members.

  • Schiffman Family
  • Dr. Walter & Jolene Graham
  • Becky North

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